Tools & Resources

Tools & Resources 2010-07-24T12:53:15+00:00

AccountantsResource was built by Accountants for Accountants, which allows us to deliver the flexibility, content, ease-of-use, trackability and ROI to make an Accountancy practices newsletter the most productive tool in your growth plans for the future.

What does provide:

  • articles and briefs that are relevant to your audience
  • articles and briefs that are timely and current
  • Articles that have been written by experts in their field
  • An email newsletter that contains your name,logo, address, telephone, website and email address
  • search for articles in our Library on topics that most interest your clients
  • with our unique “drag & drop” concept, you can choose the articles that you want to include on your electronic newsletter and drop it onto to your custom-designed email template
  • access to “Help yourself” business guides with valuable tips to your clients on topics such as Employment Law etc
  • access to tutorials on topics of interest to your clients such as working with excel, completing forms etc
  • access to a range of reports that show you exactly how your client are interacting with your newsletter