Business Funding

Business Funding 2010-09-16T18:17:13+00:00

Funding for Business

Finding small business funding is one of the survival skills needed for small business success. Whether you’re a start up or growing business, learning the basics of raising capital will go a long way to ensure you stay in business.

1. Grants: Support for SME’s can be provided through access to business consultancy/advice and the provision of grants. Grants are available for many initiatives including supporting feasibility studies, employment, research & development, training and marketing. The principle national grant aiding authorities are:

    1. Enterprise Ireland – supporting the development of businesses which normally employ greater than 10 people
    2. Shannon Development – helping tourist and other businesses in the greater Shannon region
    3. Údarás Na Gaeltachta – promoting businesses in the Gaeltacht areas
    4. City & County Enterprise Boards – fostering early stage businesses employing less than 10 people in local and regional areas.
    5. InterTrade Ireland – Business development body, promoting North-South trade by building business capability and competitiveness.

2.      Working Capital Finance:

a.       Short-term Finance

i.      Business Overdraft Facility – This is a relatively cheap form of finance when used as a short term solution however it can be an expensive form of finance if used on a permanent basis

ii.      Short Term Loans – Loan are a provided over a fixed term  and interest is charged in the outstanding balance

iii.      Invoice Discounting – This form of finance can improve cash flow by turning as much as 80pc of funds tied up in unpaid debtor invoices.

iv.      Factoring – Similar to Invoice discounting however the Factoring provider also manages the collection of the outstanding invoices and deals with the debtor directly.

b.      Medium-term Finance

i.      Term Loan Finance – Rather than taking a loan out over three months it can be spread out over up to seven year.  Useful for plant purchase, changing fixtures and fittings and computer equipment

ii.      Hire Purchase – Allows for an asset that is purchased to be security against the finance borrow.  The equipment can be used while a business is paying off the loan and ownership transfers when full payment is made

iii.      Leasing – Leasing can be an option if a business needs to purchase equipment and does not have the capital to spare.  Regular payments are made to lease or rent the asset from a Financial Institution or lessor, however the institution of lessor always retain ownership of the asset.

Other forms of funding include

3.      Venture Capital: Venture capital is the provision of third party funds in exchange for a percentage ownership of the business.

4.      Business Angels: Business Angels are private investors who invest smaller amounts of finance. More information on business angels is available at